Not to toot my own horn, but I am quite proud of my current knitting status. I am in the process of washing (and blocking) all of my knitting goods. I just did my fourth load (I wash my goods in a basin for the sink, so these are small loads) and I just have one load of scarves and three store bought sweaters and I shall be done! It is super nice to have my knits clean folded nicely in drawers than dirty and in a canvas bag. As an added bonus, the desire to clean my knits, pushed me to finish up some projects and weave in the ends! I FINALLY finished Argosy and a couple of other projects. Like any annoying project, if I just sit and do it, the project only takes a few minutes. BTW, check out my very pretty and flowy Argosy, now that I have woven in the ends and blocked it within an inch of its life. Now that I see Argosy in all of its glory, I kind of want to knit another one. ::sigh:: Must...remember...how...painful...this...project...was...the...first...time!
I am still working on Branching Out. I have done 15 pattern repeats (in 1 week no less!), and have (according to the pattern mind you) 12 more repeats to go. I must admit that I am a bit skeptical about this, because the ball of yarn from which I am working is pretty small for 12 more repeats. The scarf is long enough now that I know I will be happy with just a 1 skein scarf (which is good, because I don't have another ball of this yarn), but I am a little surprised about the discrepancy between how much yarn I need and how much yarn the designer needed (yes, it is the same yarn brand and whatnot). Of course, this discrepancy between the knitter and the designer is quite common in the knitting world, but it is the first time it happened to me, so I am still getting over my naivete about patterns. ;)
On a personal note, I am off to Montreal next week for a conference! I am super excited to check out the knitting scene up north.
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