Posts with pictures are coming soon. I got an iPod for Christmas and I am currently converting my music from wma to mp3 files. I have 24 gigs of music and this is taking a while. In fear that uploading pictures will freak my computer out and cause me to restart this whole process. You think I am acting a bit silly? Well, I have been converting files for 22hours 45minutes and I am at 13.61 gigs. The good news is that once I do this, I won't have to do it again. Phew.
I am so excited that I will be able to listen to Cast On on the drive down to Orlando (since I have missed the past 10 podcasts). Oh for all you Harry Potter fans, I downloaded a few Mugglecasts and Pottercasts before I started this conversion thing (it makes sense, trust me) and they are absolutely entertaining and informative. :)
Nice! I should warn you though, based on witnessing what my husband has gone through with his iPod, that it's not just a gadget, it's a lifestyle. If you find yourself buying it accessories and trying to dress it up, just take a deep breath and meditate on yarn instead :).