Sunday, November 12, 2006

More Dishcloths!

Ahh, my first weekend without any real stress in a while. It was nice to know that I didn't have an exam or a project looming over my head. Okay, I need to work on my Master's research, but that is an on-going thorn in my side (a cute, lovable, and interesting thorn). I spent the weekend watching This Old House on PBS (yeah, I know it sounds corny but OMG they do some cool construction work on that show), knitting Mason-Dixon washcloths, and (this is the embarassing kicker) buying a scrapbook kit. Why did I buy a scrapbooking kit you ask? Well, I am getting sentimental about my knitting and decided it would be nice to have a collection of memories after projects have long since fallen apart or have been gifted to others. I also thought it would be fun to have picture of my knitting adventures (WEBS tent sale, meeting the Yarn Harlot, Sock's adventures in Florida). Yeah, I know it is kinda cutsey but as much as I love mafia movies, I like the Chipmunk Adventure movie just as much. :)

Here are pics of my three new MD dishcloths. At this point I am trying to use up the odd bits I have left from previous dishcloths, so my stash looks a tad bit more respectable. I don't know why I am thinking this, but I need to fulfill this craving! As you can see, I am definitely building my supply of dishcloths. I am not sure whether to gift them to multiple people or to make a lap blanket. I guess I will see how the holiday knitting works out and go from there!



  1. The dishcloths are looking great! I have been thinking of doing a scrapbook of my knitted items too...haven't gotten around to it yet though. Besides, I need to take the pics to get them developed (either off my digital camera or off a cd)...someday I'll do it. Someday.

  2. I have a knitting journal that I just love. I keep track of all sorts of stats about my projects (What can I say? I'm a true Virgo.) and it makes a great reference when I want to remember the brand of 'that great yarn that I used to knit that great pair of socks that one time.'
