This was also an exciting day, because I got an Amazon package in the mail. Cox cable/internet/big huge telecommunications' conglomerate gave me a $50 gift certificate to Amazon just for signing up for internet! I purchased the first Barabara Walker treasury, the third volume of the Harmony Guides (I just need the color work guide to round out my collection, okay I also technically need the two crochet books, but I don't crochet so I don't feel I neeeeeed them), and Zoolander on DVD. I have Zoolander on VHS, but alas I don't have a VHS player anymore and everyone needs a working copy of Zoolander. It is an all-time classic, if you haven't seen it and realized the utter brillance of this movie. The world of male modeling...who knew that there was so much intrigue? ;)
Anyway, the happy mojo scarf is going smoothly and has inspired me to knit at all times. Oh, have I mentioned that it is getting "chilly" here in Florida. Right now, the weather channel has pegged Gainesville at 63 degrees! Oh joy! Bring out the wooly knitted goods!
Also, have I mentioned how much I am loving Lion's Brand Cotton Ease? This stuff is amazing! Maybe it is because I have been working with so much lace weight yarn that I forgot what worsted weight feels like, but this stuff is sent from the gods. It has a great weight, feel, and the yellow color just makes me oh so happy.
Go out and enjoy the chilly weather with a happy, basic garter stitch scarf!
Glad to see that things are going better! I am so impressed that you can knit and walk. The yellow scarf will be perfect for a dreary winter day - I'm sure even Florida gets those.