This is going to be a quickie, since there really isn't too much to say. I have been mad busy spending time in the lab and reading articles for my psychological disturbances of children course. Trust me, this all sounds a bit more exciting than it really is. I am holding out that things will get a lot more exciting once we get through the introductory material.
In other news, I have been keeping my eyes on Ernesto. I am not very nervous about it, it is just a tropical storm right now. I am really frustrated though, because the weathermen/women just talk about the storm going through Florida. I can't get any sort of specific information about Gainesville! now says that there is just a 60% chance of rain. Ugh. I just want some basic information: will it rain? will it be windy? am I just being neurotic? I grew up in Puerto Rico, so I am used to getting prepped for hurricanes and getting actual information about what is happening. Here, no one seems the bit concerned or interested or even aware that a tropical storm is hitting.
Anyway, I have made the big decision about my current sock. I am going to hold off on sock #1 and start on sock #2. I think I have too many things going on in my life to think about gusset decreases. I can do ribbing and a basic slip stich pattern. At least I think I can.
To bed! To bed!
I have a friend in Florida and he never gets freaked out about hurricanes and tropical storms. He's been there several years now I guess (not originally from there). He was telling me the other night that the weathermen are constantly changing their minds about the hurricane/tropical storm's path. I said that is probably because the storm is changing itself. However, he's not worried. Me, I'd be totally freaked out and out of the state at the first mention of a possibility of one I think...