Monday, July 10, 2006

Thank Goodness Knitting Blogs Don't Need to Be about FOs

So many updates, so little time...

The Amazing Lace
Wooly Twizzler got a little time out the ziploc bag this weekend, but the heat kept it from being too extensive. I will finish you Twizzler! I promise!

The Mystery Stole 2006
I did another two rows of the mystery stole last night, but as you can see from the picture, I haven't gotten very far. Sorry it is blurry, my camera doesn't want to focus on this particular project for some reason. I really like the pattern and it has been pretty easy going so far, but I seem to be terrified of messing up with the laceweight. I am afraid that if I do more than two rows at a time, I will royally mess up.

Other Projects
I finished Filbrina on Saturday and sent her to her happy new home. Branching Out has been quietly hoping that I will work on her now that Filbrina is done. Hey, it could happen.

In other news, I have decided to make Mason-Dixon hand towels for my new apartment in Florida. As soon as I got home and looked at the crochet thread, I could hear Julia Roberts telling her mama in Steel Magnolias: "My colors are blush and bashful." Just because I have a hard time finishing projects doesn't mean I don't like to start them! (I remember that I wasn't going to buy more yarn, but crochet thread isn't yarn! Okay! Okay! No more, I promise.)

Summer Reading Challenge 2006
I must admit that reading has been taking away serious knitting time. This past week I read Murder after Hours by Agatha Christie and The Time Traveler's Wife. I just started A Million Little Pieces last night as well. Murder after Hours was your typical, fun Agatha Christie book with humourous and slightly annoying Poirot. Christie is great because most of her mysteries are short and don't have too much in the way of side plots; they're just about a murder. I really like Christie's books, but I also consider them palette cleansers in between heavier books. The Time Traveler's Wife was really great. It was a love story but it wasn't overly sappy or anything. Everyone I know who has read it said they had a hard time with it at first, but the book really pulled me in from the beginning. I would definitely check it out if you are interested in sci fi-romanticy books.

Now to the controversial book...I bought A Million Little Pieces after the story broke about Frey's lies. I was curious to read it. I left it on my shelf for months, because I decided suddenly that I didn't want to read a bunch of lies. When I picked it out of my suitcase this weekend, I decided to suck it up and read it. After I started reading it, I realized that I shouldn't be surprised that he lied. My participants lie all the time and I take it as a given. Why should I expect more from Frey? I will say that it is a little weird reading the book, because I can imagine any and all of my participants as characters in it. I am just finishing the first 100 pages and nothing so far has shocked me. I guess my take home message is if you are interested in the book, read it. Ignore the fact that he does embellish the truth. I also read Dry by Augusteen Burroughs and found it an interesting account of going through a treatment center if you want something that The Smoking Gun hasn't discussed (at least to my knowledge). ***Disclaimer*** I don't work in a treatment center and know very little about them. These comments are simply opinions on what I think happens in treatment centers and how people deal with their addictions.


Knitting Television:
Kiki's Delivery Service


  1. Your camera is focusing on the jar, not the contents. It doesn't know how to focus on the contents. You gotta take it out in order to shoot it.

    Thought you might wanna know...

  2. Anonymous12:38 PM

    Novels I can enthusiastically recommend to you:

    Herb’s First 100 Years by Randy Perkins
    The Notebook by Nicolas Sparks
    Stranger in a Strange Land by Robert Heinlein
    Another Roadside Attraction by Tom Robbins
    The Education of Littletree by Forest Carter
    Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck
    Mother’s Boys by Bernard Taylor
    The Stand by Steven King
