I have done it. I have made the big decision and finalized it and everything. I am going to the University of Florida. I can't change my mind now. I emailed UF and said I was accepting. I emailed the other schools and said I was not accepting. I think I made the right decision because I don't feel sick to my stomach. Whenever I make a decision I am regretting, I feel it in my bones even after I make the decision. I don't regret it and I am now looking forward to going to Gainesville, Florida. I made a to do list and I am feeling confident about it. I also have enough yarn to get me through the next several months, so if I decide that I don't like the LYS in Gainesville, I will have enough of a stash to get me through until I find one that makes me happy.
It's almost funny that now that I have gone through over a year of major stressors with applying to graduate school (GREs, GRE Psychology, personal statements, getting recommendations, getting transcripts, and organizing everything), my major concern is whether I will like the yarn store in Gainesville. I am concerned about getting housing, but everything else (new license, new plates for my car, public library card, voter's registration, dealing with new doctors and dentists, and getting my Florida Resident Disney World ticket) seems doable. Okay, maybe I am a little nervous about driving from Providence to Florida but it is doable and it will happen whether I like it or not. I just hope that I can find a nice apartment for reasonable rent. My big dream is to get several bookshelves. That is the one piece of furniture that I always need more than anything else. I can use the bookshelves for all of my books (my yarn buying problem is related to my book buying problem I think), my yarn, my dopey figurines and other knick knacks, my pictures, and just all sorts of other random stuff. I don't like putting anything in drawers except for clothes, because I like to see what I have. That is why all my yarn storage bins are clear. I want to know what is in them.
OMG. I am going to the University of Florida. It is just starting to hit me. I have to say that I am really excited about this opportunity. I am going to miss everyone at work. I am so used to our daily routines that it will be hard not seeing them all the time. I think what is even scarier is that I know that things will just continue to happen without me here. There will be a couple of random stories about me, but they will be forgotten in time or they will just refer to "that Research Assistant who used to work on the HepC study." It isn't like I want them to think about me all the time or that I need to be in control, but it just seems surreal every time someone leaves that there isn't a gap or anything. Things just keep truckin' on forever and ever. I know that is the mark of a well run lab. No study is just one research assistant and your co-workers can always find what they need at your desk. I must say even though my area isn't the neatest, everything is labeled and you don't need to really hunt to find anything. Alright, enough nostalgia, on with the knitting!
I don't have any pictures to post since they are still in my camera. I will post them tonight, I promise! I will say that I have been continuing to work on my green slanty lacey scarf. I can't wrap it around my neck, but I am planning to watch NCIS (or at least most of it since I am looking at an apartment to sublet tonight) and the movie Protocol with Goldie Hawn tonight so the scarf with lengthen. Since the plot isn't too deep, I am assuming that I will be able to watch it and not have to tinK anymore. I watched an episode of Star Trek The Next Generation last night and I didn't make any mistakes. I am thinking shows like The Sopranos, which requires you to know what is happening and paying attention to characters and their names (I
don't do well with shows where everyone looks or acts almost the same or have the same intentions with slightly different goals), are not good for me, because I am not paying the little amount of attention to my knitting that this scarf requires. Two Rows! You think I could remember and correctly perform a pattern of just a two row repeat but apparently not.
Alright, I should finish up some work here and send out some apartment hunting feelers. ::sigh:: I will be glad when I know where I am going to be living for the next 15 months.